Fear of failure – or scared of success?
I was listening to a pre-recorded version of ‘Late night Women’s Hour’ whilst in the bath earlier, when one of the presenters mentioned something called ‘Imposter Syndrome’. She explained how (mainly) successful women often have this little voice in their head telling them, ‘You shouldn’t be here, everyone else is more talented, cleverer, skilled etc. than you’.
This is what I’ve often heard Direct Sales people voice when asking me for help with their businesses. Very often, through probing questions, coaching (in order to hone skills) and then recognising a clients success, I find the same people – who have batted off any compliment I offer – not only employ the imposter but believe him too!
There are two reasons for this in my opinion:
1. We fear failure. We will do anything to remain in our comfort zone – after all we can’t fail if we only do what we know we can do.
2. We are scared of success; success means change; success means owning what we have done in order to be successful. Successful people are not always made welcome – unfortunately (in the UK) we tend to favour the underdog and boot out the boaster.
We are taught not to boast or brag from childhood. ‘Don’t show off’ is a phrase often aimed at children. Why shouldn’t they show off? If you are good at something then surely you should be able to show off your talents?
I believe we can’t even have ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ in our schools anymore…no wonder we are scared of success! Then, at the ripe old age of 16 the pressure to pass as many GCSE’s with A’s and A*’s is immense – this must breed fear of failure!
If FOF of SOS are one of the factors holding you back, throw them out of the window now! Get out of your comfort zone and plan your successes – then enjoy them and shout about them. Who knows, someone may even want to replicate what you are doing and join your team?
What have you got to lose? You won’t fail until you give up trying and the more you try the more likely you are to succeed.
With warm wishes,
PS – Worth taking a peek at this website too : www.blog.feedspot.com/direct_sales_blogs
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