Not feeling your best? Lethargic? Looking for a new opportunity?
Read on…
I’ve never taken supplements or vitamins in my entire life: I’ve been lucky enough to have no need to do so.
An ex-work colleague I am in contact with periodically called me recently to tell me about a new-to-the-UK business called FitLine she is working with.

Wenche was so genuinely passionate about her product that I offered to try it out for her. I did so because:
1. Wenche’s enthusiam for this product was born of a need for supplements to help improve her wellbeing – this need has been met.
2. There is always someone looking for extra cash and social selling is a simple, flexible and safe way to do so (you do actually have to ‘go to work’ though).
3. Many people take supplements and vitamins and this is a brand I have now tried and tested.
The supplements come in a powder form and taste good – no holding your nose as you drink them and no nasty aftertaste: they are based on Ayurvedic medicine with new technology to meet the needs of people today!
In brief:
The ‘Power Cocktail’ is good for assisting all bodily functions and contains a bacteria to keep your gut healthy.
‘Activise’ helps improve metabolism and contains vitamins B6 and C along with Vitamin B2 nd niacin which help to reduce fatigue.
A third supplement is called ‘Restorate’. I told Wenche there would be no way I need this as I sleep well.
Actually, I realised just this morning I go to sleep well but I wake many times between around 3 and 6am so I am going to give this a go this evening. If I really sleep well I wouldn’t have been able to listen to the wonderfully sweet Dawn Chorus the last few mornings would I?
So, whether you want to increase your wellness, meet a need for more energy, better gut-health, or a good nights sleep…or even find out more about FitLine, contact Wenche. Although she lives in beautiful Norway Wenche is looking to building a team in the U.K. as it’s a new market. You will find her listed in my ‘FB friends’ list or contact her on:
T. 0047 95036693.
Best wishes
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