For possibly the first time ever Martha and I are blogging together! To avoid confusion we will begin each paragraph with the name of which of us is narrating.
Leigh: We have had a terribly sad New Year’s Day. I have shed many tears: those of you who haven’t had a pet may not understand. Those who have lost a much-loved pet will. I had a message this morning to say that Lily (one of my late dog’s pups, was more seriously ill than we had realised). That was my first cry of the day. Lily was not quite 13 years old and had been poorly over the last couple of weeks. Her wonderful human’s had told us she was ill, but she was a feisty girl and we all hoped she would recover. It wasn’t to be. Our darling Lily (who was, of course, Martha’s sister) went to sleep around 1pm – never to wake again. Tom, Martha and I hope, if there is a Rainbow Bridge, that she is over there playing with her mum Rosie.
Martha: For those of you who don’t know Lily’s background here you are. In February 2007 our beautiful mum, Rosie, gave birth to three gorgeous pups in the very cottage that Leigh, Tom and I live in; Leigh named us Ruby {Tuesday} – she was renamed Lily on adoption, Martha {Monday} and BigBoy – renamed Parsley on adoption. Lily was Rosie’s firstborn, she was followed by the gi-normous BigBoy then I was born last. From the beginning it was obvious that Lily was the brightest of us three. She learned very quickly how to clamber over our little fence (Leigh and Tom erected this in the dining room to give us a safe place to play). She drove our humans to distraction because she would often get her back leg stuck and squeal, causing them to race to her rescue. I didn’t attempt to try and escape; I have always been a bit of a coward but Lily was a born leader and escape artist for sure.

Leigh: Back in 2006 we decided to find a suitable male and mate Rosie as we had fallen in love with her breed (Parson Russell Terriers are full of character) and wanted a second dog. We took her to Wales where she was mated with a Crufts champion; we were super happy when we found out she was pregnant. The day Rosie went into labour I was due to be working away but I rang one of my colleagues saying, ‘Rosie’s in labour and I can’t possibly leave her’. ‘V’ offered to do the training session for me – I was so relieved. Lily was born fairly quickly and the other two followed. The second pup was huge but the third (Martha) just plopped out – she was so tiny. I fell in love with all three immediately and spent that night sleeping on the floor in the hall with Rosie and her pups. I just couldn’t leave them. Note: I would never advise that people breed dogs for money or ‘just because’ – it is really hard work – but having these three pups was one of the most wonderful experiences ever. I dreading saying goodbye to two of them so we interviewed several families before ‘allowing’ their new humans to adopt Lily and Parsley. Tom and I made excellent choices of adoptive ‘parents’ and both pups went to fabulous, loving homes. We’ve kept in touch with Lily’s family more than Parsley’s to be honest, and they are the most wonderful people who have loved Lily as much as anyway could ever love her.
Martha: Lily’s female human and Leigh have been in close communication most of the day. It’s obvious that they have the utmost respect and empathy for each other. Leigh sobbed several times when reading the incoming messages, explaining how devastated the whole family are; their younger dog ‘F’ is also going to really miss Lily and, unlike humans, you can’t always explain to a dog what has happened to their companion. For Leigh, I guess it is like losing one of her own – she was there when Lily was born and when Lily went to her new home part of Leigh’s heart went with her. Leigh remembers the family saying when they played a recording of Leigh’s voice Lily would put her head on one side, clearly recognising and responding to the voice. I guess that changed with time as she adapted to her loving new family and their voices.
Both: So here we are at 11pm, sending our love (and licks) to Lily’s family. We are so very sad for them, and for Lily. We are also very, very, thankful for the few walks we shared, for the way they brought Lily to our joint first birthday party where Leigh made Liver Cake and all the humans (Parsley’s family included) sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to us pups. More than anything we are grateful that they made the hard decision to let our darling girl go to sleep peacefully – some humans may have been tempted to ‘try and keep her going’ for a few more days for their own sake – as we couldn’t bear to think of Lily being in pain.

Oh no – Leigh is crying again so I (Martha) best go jump on her and give her a growl to shut her up.
Bless you Lily – bless your humans who told Leigh, ‘Thank you for giving us such a great dog – we will always love her’.
So will we.
Martha and Leigh xx