It’s a Girl Thing
It’s a Girl Thing
Day 13 – Curfew – Sunday 5 April
I had a wonderful video call with 3 friends this morning: lasting about an hour we each took it in turns to chat and talk about how we are coping and what we find ourselves doing during this strange time.
One of my friends is just coming out the other side of Covid 19. She’s had the high temperature, cough, feeling disoriented, fatigued, and has suffered from a bout of very-low temperature where, despite wrapping up like she was stranded in the Artic, she could not get warm at all.
The others, like me and just about most people, are keeping as busy as possible – taking advantage of the good, dry weather – and spending time doing chores in the garden and taking daily exercise. They are also starting to feel a little cat-on-a-hot-tin-roofish; I totally get this!
It’s the birthday of a couple of other friends today. ‘S’ is fifty so I really feel for her – I know you can celebrate when the curfew is eventually over but special birthdays are special and only the actual day really counts.
My other friend, ‘D’, was the recipient of the usual ‘Happy Birthday to you’, sung over the phone by yours truly and my O.H. She was hoping to spend the day in the garden with a G & T, making the best of a no-visitors birthday.
The weather was supposed to be pretty hot today but the temperature didn’t quite reach the late teens. A chilly wind made it feel cooler too so I decided to go for a longish run after lunch…what a mistake?
Before I had run even around 2 kilometres the sun came out from hiding and I realised I should have worn a running vest instead of a t-shirt top. Add to that the crazy ‘Wolf Mask’ I wore for part of the run – it did make people laugh and a couple of passing cars pipped their horns in appreciation (we all need to keep our sense of humour) – and I found myself getting rather warm.
Wolf Run?!I didn’t actually plan my running route – which does make it more interesting to be frank – but on the way home decided to take in some trail-running. B I G M I S T A K E!
Considering we’ve had a very wet winter the fields are bone dry and lumpy; lumpy, dry fields are not the most stable of surfaces so after going over on my ankle a few times I decided to walk for a while.
Losing the public footpath signs made me use my (not great) sense of direction and I eventually wound my way back to one of the lanes leading to our village. Once home I lay down on the grass with my running companion and said to myself, ‘That was one of the least enjoyable runs ever, even with the gorgeous scenery’.

Like many of my running buddies I cannot wait to get back to normality and some group runs.
I finished the day by making a Chilli-con-carne and admiring the potting bench my O.H. has made for me today so that I can continue to grow a few salad vegetables from seed…just in case!

Doing the odd crazy thing (wearing a Wolf mask to run), and doing something new (growing from seed)…really is Just a Girl Thing.
NB click on the link to see the video view!
It’s a Girl Thing
It’s been a pretty intense long-weekend in my world. A while back I noticed my Pilates instructor was running a ‘Pilates Instructor training course – NVQ level 3’. I popped the information on my FaceBook page, adding, ‘This would be a fab job’, for anyone who might see the post (being self-employed and able to work when you want to work is surely what many people dream of?).
In between then and now I mentioned it to many friends (runners in particular) who replied with, ‘I would love to find a good Pilates class’, which got me thinking maybe I should take the course so that I can lead a couple of Pilates classes of my own.
Fast forward to last Saturday, Sunday and Monday and there I was, in class with Caroline teaching – and 3 other students – learning all about anatomy and physiology…again! Oh, and our good friend ‘Skele’ attended too!

Learning the bones of the human body and all about how the heart works (oxygenated blood flowing into the left atrium from the lungs, and de-oxygenated blood flowing into the right atrium) is no mean feat: adding in muscles (to include origin and insertion) is just a nightmare imo!!

I did make myself (and the others) laugh when, in a test, I wrote ‘Cutting’, to name a muscle (it is actually the serratus anterior) but I had a mental block!! I guess serrate and cut are kind of similar! That wasn’t the only booboo I made.
By the end of day 3 I was totally drained, yet, strangely, I am looking forward to the next 3 day session (I think!); I just need to get loads of revising done over the next couple of weeks.
Today has been rather more relaxing – two of my uni buddies came over for lunch – bringing me some lovely gifts! I especially loved the flowers…so vivid and alive!
I have to admit, hosting lunch on my own wasn’t as easy as when my OH and I host together – he usually entertains while I cook.
Instead, trying to do both, the french beans were overcooked and I hadn’t warmed the plates so I was hardly the hostess with the mostest today. Hey, ho. We had a lovely chat, took our minds off things that are troubling us just now, and laughed as we discovered none of us can remember lots of what we studied!
P told us how she had been chatting to someone about poets – then later realised she had been talking about the wrong poet – and I told them how I had talked about Stalin when I actually meant Mussolini! We did laugh.
I finished the day by going to a Pilates class and then coming back to relax…Caroline, if you are reading this the revision starts tomorrow!
Learning something new, pushing yourself, getting stressed, meeting with friends…It’s Just a Girl Thing I guess!
Leigh xx