I am not travelling right now, so this isn’t exactly a good fit for my blog but I did feel inspired to write today so here goes…
Last evening Leigh and about 14 of her running buddies got together for a ‘Gin and Canapés’ evening; as a mere canine I had no idea exactly what this would entail.

As the ladies began to arrive Tom did a quick exit (went to his club with his usual Tuesday evening crew) so I decided to move to my bedinthediningroom in order stay close to Leigh.
I guess I expected a sophisticated, sipping Gin couple of hours. Boy, was I wrong.
The volume shot up with the arrival of even the first few guests. By the time they had all arrived even my goingdeafears were being penetrated by…noise, just noise. Honestly, it was cacophonous.

Unable to decipher any of the conversation apart from ‘Which gin do you want?’, and, ‘What flavour of tonic do you prefer?’, or ‘Sarah’s in charge of ice…over there’, I decided to pootle out of my bed and have a mooch around just in case a little bit of Parma ham or feta cheese had been dropped on the floor!

I do love to steal food – much more fun than being fed my usual ‘intestine friendly’ food.
As you’ll know if you read me regularly I am getting grumpier as I age – I’m greyhounding towards 13 now. In fairness, Leigh had told her guests not to worry about fussing me; I will take fuss on my terms only. To my credit I did allow all ladies to fuss me a little before giving a warning growl. I am not being vain when I tell you all of them found me cute (I was going to say charming, but that may be a step too far according to Leigh).
All evening ‘SM’ had threatened to steal me; she’s admired me since first seeing me on FB – in fact she has a cunning plan to set me up on a blind-walk-date with her lovely pooch (Barney). I did spend a good amount of time with her, and was tempted to sneak home with her to take a look at Mr Barney.

Another lady ‘SS’ was competing with ‘SM’ for my attention – honestly, you humans are funny – so, feeling a little sorry for ‘SS’ as she is dog-less, I let her take a selfie with me.

To cut the tail short (misspelt purposely folks) when ‘SS’ wanted me to hang out with her after the selfie, I showed her my teeth and bit the air very close to her: I do this when humans don’t take notice of my growling, ‘That’s enough now’.
SS jumped back, (don’t worry, I didn’t bite her) and ‘SM’ ‘N’ ‘G’ and Leigh fell about laughing.

In truth ‘G’ did more cackling and falling about than laughing – which made all the other guests come to see what was going on. The room erupted in laughter.
Leigh did tell me off for giving ‘SS’ a scare but come on folks, if a girl doesn’t want fuss, she doesn’t want fuss.
I have since sent my apologies to ‘SS’.
The moral of this short story is – if {canine or human} growls at you, leave them be or take the consequences.
Anyway, by the constant chatter, laughter, hugging and general camaraderie I would say a good evening was had by all: Gin, growls, and girl-talk – what’s not to love if you’re a human?
As for me I’m quite looking froward to meeting ‘SM’s’ Barney and will keep you posted when we meet!
PS Hoping to be off adventuring from February 2020 so keep your eyes peeled for more blog posts then!
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